Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

Chess Assistant Light | Freeware Download Software - Games-Card

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Categories : Games-Card
Chess Assistant Light for Windows 2000/NT/XP is a unique chess program for managing chess games and databases, playing chess on the Internet, viewing electronic texts, studying openings, analyzing games, or playing chess against the computer. CA Light possibilities:
1} Database and game management: facilitated with an easy-to-handle drag and drop interface plus a navigation/database browser window, which really should be standard for programs of this type.
2} Search tools: all sorts of search tools at your disposal, like searches for material, pawn structures, positions, players, sacrifices, piece movements, statistical analysis, etc.
3} Internet play: for chess related Internet play, Chess Assistant 7 Light provides you with a comfortable interface for playing on the ICC, which has the by far highest membership capacity of all the chess clubs on the Internet. The interface allows you to play games online, or to watch other games etc.
4} Playing and analysis: you can use Chess Assistant 7 Light in combination with its built-in engines Crafty and Dragon or with a wide, additional variety of Winboard engines. Infinite Analysis and Blunder Search are available.
5} Export: from the print mode one can export to RTF, HTML and Dynamic HTML
Beside CALight.zip it is recommended to download documentation for working that is situated to the following address: http://www.convekta.com/downloads/Manuals/Chess_Assistant-8.ZIP

OS : Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Owner : Convekta Ltd
Prize :
File Size : 18.02 Mb
Lisensi : Freeware

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